Connect ExpressLRS RC receiver to Arduino Mega2560 via SBUS

Install „Bolder Flight Systems SBUS“ Library in Arduino Library Manager Connect to ELRS Receiver via WiFi and enable „Inverted SBUS“ as the Serial Interface. Select RX and TX pins and save. Hook up the UART TX pin of the ELRS receiver to a UART RX pin on the Arduino. Bind and connect ELRS receiver to…

Create an open-loop speed controller (Big rover robot platform – Part 3)

We want to control rotational speed [n] in rpm, which is proportional to back-emf [e] in V. They are related via the motor constant [Kv] in rpm/V. Unfortunately, we actually can’t directly control e, since the motor windings, brushes, leads, and also our H-Bridge MosFETs add inductance L and resistance R to the circuit. We’ll…