DIY Self-Driving Car – Connecting to vehicle CAN

Our goal is to connect to the vehicle CAN through the OBD II Connector via USB. Or more precisely, to one of the CAN buses, because there are at least 2 of them. So far the Low-speed CAN bus had all the messages we’re interested in, so that’s what we’ll use. Here we can read…

Autopilot: Plan

Goals: Step 1: Keep lane. Control the steering wheel position based on camera feed. Step 2: Adaptive cruise control. Utilize vehicle’s existing cruise control to control the vehicle’s speed, while keeping a safe distance to the car ahead. Step 3: Speed limit detection. Extend adaptive cruise control by detecting speed limit signs. Step 4: Consider…

Jetson Nano: Enabling headless VNC connection on JetPack 4.4 (Incl. installing Xfce and TigerVNC Server)

Problem: GNOME and VNC don’t seem to like each other on Jetpack OS. I only get the nVidia logo when connecting and can’t do anything. Solution: Use the alternative desktop environment Xfce for use with VNC. Required: Access to a terminal (e.g. via SSH) on the Jetson sudo permissions internet connection on Jetson Nano (for…

CAN commands

Config bitrate (Interface needs to be down to do this): sudo ip link set can0 type can bitrate 125000 Set interface up: sudo ip link set up can0 Set interface down: sudo ip link set down can0 Can-utils: Dump everything: candump can0

Jetson Nano direct Ethernet connection for SSH, VNC etc.

Shamelessly stolen… I mean mirrored… from Boot your Windows Host PC Open „Network Connections“ page Open the Control Panel, click Network and Sharing Center and click „Change adapter settings“. Enable ICS Right click Wi-Fi, click „Properties“, click „Sharing“ tab and select „Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection“. Set „Home networking…