
Setting up BeerBot

Download and Install Raspberry Pi OS to SD card using Imager. Manually downloading the OS (zip-file), extracting the .img and using that seems to be more reliable than letting the Imager download the OS. https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/ Enable SSH Server: For headless setup, SSH can be enabled by placing a file named ssh, without any extension, onto the boot…

IRF3205 Dual H-Bridge: MosFET keeps failing [Solved]

These H-Bridge modules have an issue with FET shoot-through at high (but <100%) duty cycles. The observations indicate it needs at least 2.9µs low signal before turning on again. 100% duty cycle again is fine too, since there’s no continuous switching happening which could cause repeated shoot-through, destroying the FET. It’s the area between zero…

GStreamer examples


librealsense on Raspberry Pi 2, Raspberry OS bookworm and Python 3.11

This took 12h (!) on a Raspberry Pi 2 install SSL install cmake $ cd ~$ wget https://cmake.org/files/v3.28/cmake-3.28.3.tar.gz$ tar -zxvf cmake-3.28.3.tar.gz; rm cmake-3.28.3.tar.gz$ cd cmake-3.28.3$ ./configure –prefix=/home/pi/cmake-3.28.3$ make -j1$ sudo make install$ export PATH=/home/pi/cmake-3.28.3/bin:$PATH$ source ~/.bashrc install librealsense build pyrealsense Python bindings

Connect ExpressLRS RC receiver to Arduino Mega2560 via SBUS

Install „Bolder Flight Systems SBUS“ Library in Arduino Library Manager Connect to ELRS Receiver via WiFi and enable „Inverted SBUS“ as the Serial Interface. Select RX and TX pins and save. Hook up the UART TX pin of the ELRS receiver to a UART RX pin on the Arduino. Bind and connect ELRS receiver to…

Create an open-loop speed controller (Big rover robot platform – Part 3)

We want to control rotational speed [n] in rpm, which is proportional to back-emf [e] in V. They are related via the motor constant [Kv] in rpm/V. Unfortunately, we actually can’t directly control e, since the motor windings, brushes, leads, and also our H-Bridge MosFETs add inductance L and resistance R to the circuit. We’ll…

Installing nVidia ISAAC SDK and ISAAC SIM

Prerequisites: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, an nVidia GPU Sourced from: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1342104/how-do-i-run-nvidia-isaac-on-ubuntu-20-04 Sign up to the NVIDIA Developer Program Accept EULA and download ISAAC SDK (a .tar.xz file) Untar ISAAC SDK and install dependencies 4. Build and run sample application 5. Download ISAAC SIM Unity3D Download Isaac Sim Unity3D Download Isaac Sim Unity3D from the Isaac Developer…