IRF3205 Dual H-Bridge: MosFET keeps failing [Solved]

These H-Bridge modules have an issue with FET shoot-through at high (but <100%) duty cycles. The observations indicate it needs at least 2.9µs low signal before turning on again. 100% duty cycle again is fine too, since there’s no continuous switching happening which could cause repeated shoot-through, destroying the FET. It’s the area between zero…

Connect ExpressLRS RC receiver to Arduino Mega2560 via SBUS

Install „Bolder Flight Systems SBUS“ Library in Arduino Library Manager Connect to ELRS Receiver via WiFi and enable „Inverted SBUS“ as the Serial Interface. Select RX and TX pins and save. Hook up the UART TX pin of the ELRS receiver to a UART RX pin on the Arduino. Bind and connect ELRS receiver to…

Create an open-loop speed controller (Big rover robot platform – Part 3)

We want to control rotational speed [n] in rpm, which is proportional to back-emf [e] in V. They are related via the motor constant [Kv] in rpm/V. Unfortunately, we actually can’t directly control e, since the motor windings, brushes, leads, and also our H-Bridge MosFETs add inductance L and resistance R to the circuit. We’ll…

Installing nVidia ISAAC SDK and ISAAC SIM

Prerequisites: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, an nVidia GPU Sourced from: Sign up to the NVIDIA Developer Program Accept EULA and download ISAAC SDK (a .tar.xz file) Untar ISAAC SDK and install dependencies 4. Build and run sample application 5. Download ISAAC SIM Unity3D Download Isaac Sim Unity3D Download Isaac Sim Unity3D from the Isaac Developer…

Linearize H-Bridge Output Voltage (Big rover robot platform – Part 2)

Brushed DC motors are cheap and robust, but inherently hard to control accurately compared to modern BLDCs, especially at low speeds. This is fine for applications like household appliances or electric power tools, where positioning and precise speed control aren’t needed. For a skid steer robot, however, it is a prerequisite even for just driving…

Big rover robot platform – Part 1

Those little Arduino robot-car kits are neat and all, but sometimes something that provides a bit more space for electronics, something that has a little more OMPH just sounds like much more fun! So let’s build a box! With wheels and motors and all, obviously. Let’s call it a rover. Here is the wishlist for…

DIY Self-Driving Car – Collecting Data – What do we need?

To train a driving model, we need driving data. Let’s break down what exactly we’re interested in. A fundamental requirement: We don’t want to do any manual labeling. We will need at least a couple hours of driving, which means 100.000s of frames recorded. We can’t possibly label those by hand within the scope of…

DIY Self-Driving Car – Hardware build log

We want our camera-based system to run on an nVidia Jetson Nano, display a GUI on a monitor and talk to the car via a CAN-USB-interface. It should know its GPS position and be able to turn the steering wheel using a stepper motor. Guess what my car is missing? All of that. Let’s add…